Wages in these industries are also good, averaging well over $60,000 per year.
There are skilled metal workers in Burleson in the areas of Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring, Iron and Steel Forging, Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing, Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing, Metal Window and Door Manufacturing, and Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing and there is room for growth in these areas as well.
Highpoint Business Park, on each side of I-35W in Burleson, is the perfect place for you to locate a metal manufacturing/fabricating facility. There are over 125 acres of develop-able sites, divided into parcels of one acre on up to 60.
With numerous technical colleges in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, you can be sure your employees can get the specialized training your business will need to grow and thrive.
Hayes & Stolz decided to bring their worldwide leading equipment to Burleson for much-needed manufacturing, warehouse and administration space.