Taxes are an inevitable part of doing business, but if you are bringing a new business to Burleson or expanding an existing business, there may be tax abatement incentives available. The Burleson EDC and the City of Burleson are more than willing to work with you to see what your business may qualify for.
Entity |
Tax |
City of Burleson |
0.6859% |
Burleson ISD |
1.4946% |
Joshua ISD |
1.290% |
Alvarado ISD |
1.372% |
Crowley ISD |
1.4841% |
Johnson County Lateral Road |
0.04030% |
Johnson County |
0.3797% |
Tarrant County Hospital District |
0.2244% |
Tarrant Junior College District |
0.1302% |
Tarrant Water District |
0.0287% |
Tarrant County |
0.2290% |
If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Department at 817-426-9650 or visit the City of Burleson website for further research.